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Omer Yembe
Born in Cameroon
73 years
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Egbe Kaba grand daughter age 11 March 4, 2012
Grandpa was really kind. If grampa was here right now I would thank him for all the fun times we had. I miss grampa a lot. Grampa was good at monopoly almost won every game. I wish we could play again.
Nagwa Nwana Fonjoe Rest in Peace, Uncle March 3, 2012
Dear Auntie Faustine, Nginyu, Enaka, Fai, Omerine,

Please be comforted by the fact that Daddy is resting is peace with no more pain and discomfort.

We will miss his beautiful smile and his sense of humor.

May his soul, in perfect peace, rest.

Enaka Yembe Daughter March 3, 2012

Oh dear daddy! My daddy my main man. I did not expect you to slip away like this. So suddenly. Now I realize how very noble of you. Only love for your children and the will of God could have enabled you to be here during your last days. From the bottom of my heart I thank you.  Rest in peace now dear daddy.

 My daddy, my main man. You are a legend that cannot replaced. You left fingerprints in my heart that will live forever. A graceful mentor, full of wise words and extremely loving. Your presence commanded respect everywhere you went yet at home you were just a comedian. A faithful Christian who  raised us to be Christians. You were simple yet sophisticated.  You were strict yet soft and undoubtedly had  a tender spot for your girls.  You paid very close attention and molded me as I grew up.  Daddy all the talks we had in your study, by phone, by email – how I much I miss you. I remember your wise words to me as a young girl which came with explanations and guidance on how to deal with life situations. With equal wisdom and specific reasoning you sat down and talked to Ninche and Egbe on many occasions. Thank you daddy. You encouraged me throughout my life to prepare for my future professional work. Daddy this your last poem to me upon my graduation …….

.Enaka, thy life’s ambition fulfilled, March on, great daughter dear, The greatest lies yet ahead. Thy determination’s cup full filled, The heavens await thy reach, On the stars thy ambition’s cap to hang, Go, dear daughter, go!

 My daddy my main man. I love you so very much. I’m so very proud of you and the memories you leave me will last for a lifetime. I still hear your booming voice. The Lord who created you said your time has come. The same lord will help me cope with the void and pain that I am left with. So you have pain now; but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you. John 16.22

 Good bye my daddy, my main man. Until we meet to part no more. Good bye for now.


Nagella Nukuna In memory of Uncle Omer Yembe March 1, 2012
Nagella, remember these words, "Never pay for inconvenience" are some of the memorable teachings that uncle filled us as with as we grew up. For a life well spent and well fought for and a distinguished legacy left behind, we will forever remember you as the pillar of fatherhood.
We will miss you dearly.
To Aunty Faustine, Nginyu, Enaka, Fai and Omerine, we are with you in prayers Uncle is now with the Lord.
Kila F Testimony of Dr. Omerine Aseh (daughter) February 28, 2012

Testimony of Dr. Omerine Aseh (daughter)

My father had a profound impact on the life I live today and the person I have become. I was blessed to have a rather simple, yet powerful and loving relationship with my dad.

My father had many facets. At work, he rarely smiled and was known to be hard worker who was very strict and stern. At home, he was just "daddy" always joking, playing pranks and very jovial. He gave me his name OMER and INE making Omerine so I was known as Omer the girl.

He had a way of behaving each time he saw me. He would always sing and dance, saying: "Ma fille, ma fille". He always showed me off and spoke very highly of me. As a little girl I always had little dates with my father; he showed me how to play pool at the Mountain Club; he took me to hotels, meeting houses and restaurants - just the two of us.  I remember waking him up at midnight, 1a.m, 2a.m just to talk. Even after a long day of work and sleeping for just a few hours he would wake up and we would talk about anything - even boys. Like my mother always said, "Daddy always sleeps with one eye open".  He always knew the right thing to say and he was extremely patient. He was always available to me not just as a mentor and father but also as a friend.

I learnt so much from watching and listening to him but the one thing that he always stressed to me was that he and my mother will not live forever. When he gave advice he always insisted that I not just do what he said, but go think for myself, and get back to him. He wanted me to learn how to think for myself and be able to make decisions on my own. He always said "this is your life - make your own path; your mother and I have made ours"'. He taught me to be fearless, bold and independent. I owe my successes to that advice.

Daddy I am thankful to God for the times I was able to spend with you. I am happy to have known you as my father and friend. We will meet again.

Your fille,


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