Omer Yembe - Online Memorial Website

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Omer Yembe
Born in Cameroon
73 years
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Kila F A tribute to Uncle Omer Weyi Yembe February 28, 2012
My dearest Aunti Faustina, Ma Enaka, Fai, Omerine,We thank God immensely for Uncle's life.I know it is really tough for all of us but we have to keep unshakable faith and forge ahead.

 I was just going through my collection and saw these pictures. I was so touched and actually cried alone being the only one at home and asked God for that special grace to move on. It is hard, but let us put our trust in God. HE KNOWS IT ALL!!!
                         Fond regards,

                    A tribute to Uncle Omer Weyi Yembe

It can be difficult to write a eulogy for a person who has touched people across the globe.  
It brings a tear to my eye knowing all of the lives you have touched.  I will always be grateful for uncle’s love, friendship and guidance. 

You had a magnetic personality and I liked hearing your discussions, talks and advise very much. You genuinely encouraged me as I sailed through my doctorate program and I saw true satisfaction in you as you watched me gracefully walk up to receive my certificate on that special day. I remember very vividly, how you hugged and congratulated me, offered a cherished bottle of drink with that wonderful smile. Uncle, you will be greatly missed.

You possessed a unique combination of qualities, where your  seriousness was balanced with humor; your commitment blended with integrity; your caring charged with respect; your wisdom uninfected by judgementalism; your focus unencumbered by conservatism; your professionalism responsive to growth.

You celebrated diversity and understood the dynamics of an individual's evolution. And in the daily process of living, recipients of your unconditional support absorbed your special qualities, developing personal responsibility.
Everybody far and wide attest to great lessons learned, grand futures attained,all in awe at greatness so modestly displayed.

We all shall proudly flaunt your legacy
Uncle,  thank you for being an inspiration to many, in more ways that you can imagine. You will always be remembered, and even though you can no longer be reached out and touched- or seen, your sparks that left marks in my life will always remain.I know it is really tough for all of us but we have to keep unshakable faith and forge ahead.

As we reflect on his splendid past and cherish his glorious deeds and epic accomplishments that touched many lives, his life should be an inspiration to us all.
Bye Uncle Omer, till we meet to part no more.

Dr. Augustina (as you fondly called me) Nwana Fongod
Fongod Augustina Genla Nwana Ph.D 
Department of Botany
Faculty of Science, 
University of Buea, 
P,O.Box 63, Buea.CAMEROON. 
Home: (237)33 39 02 25, 
Cell:    (237)77 88 34 43 
Work:  (237)33 32 22 72
Kila F Fallen Pillar February 27, 2012
Death of Omer Yembe.
The Pillar has  fallen but the LEGACY remains. It was in the night of Saturday February 25, 2012 that I was told Dr Omer

 Yembe had died. This was a great shock to me and i needed confirmation of the story on Sunday, February 26 ,2012.I met Dr Anthony Ndi who confirmed the Story.

To ,me and the people just below my age this is the greatest Pillar in Education in the English Speaking Cameroon this is gone. 

 I  followed his work as Delegate of Education, director, etc.In the Education set fact, he did the most of his work as Mr Omer Yembe before deciding and obtaining the PHD. 
I followed him with great admiration and finally worked with him to do two main things for Education.

The first was the St. Joseph Primary school at Mvog Ada Yaounde.We, the Catholic christian felt that it was necessary to open and English Speaking Catholic Primary school for our growing Population  in Yaounde. The Ash-Bishop of Yaounde(now late  Mgr Jean Zoa) alocated a piece of land to us at Mvog Ada Yaounde to build the School.Prof. Daniel N. Lantum was the chairman of the school Board and i the secretary. We just wanted to attach it to the French Speaking School just near by .Dr Omer Yembe was then working in the  Ministry of National Education.

We called him to come and see and advice us an expert. When he came, he advised that we should open  an  entirely new School . We then Agreed and open the St Joseph School now standing with a very big church at Mvog Ada Yaounde. We will always remember you for this.


The second thing was the Cameroon GCE Board.We found that the secondary school education system we grew in and the Final terminal Examinations was being eroded. and so needed to be redressed. A number of us decided to hold meetings and the number grew from ''17 to 431 ''.All the meetings were held in our house. We decided to plan for a demonstration while writing the status. 


Dr Omer Yembe attended all the weekly meetings that lasted for almost two months. When we finish drawing up the status we started planing for a huge demonstration in front of the Ministry of National Education in Yaounde. I remember, as chairman, seeing where he sat and how he spoke as an expert.

   He gave his blessing for the Demonstration  and attended it.After the Demonstration, we were planing to march to the Presidency. when  the decree creating the GEC Board was signed.

Dr Omer Yembe, you are dead but posterity will remember you as the Pillar  of our Educational system.  Goodbye

                              Peter N-Chateh 
                              FMR University Librarian and Researcher  
Kila F YEMBE THE SOBAN February 24, 2012
            Our lives as Sobans started when we were admitted as Students into Sasse College . Unlike other ex-Students Associations, we respect the year of entry into Sasse, not so much the year we left. Omer Yembe sojourn as a Soban thus started when he entered Sasse College as Student No. 739, in 1953, contemporaneous with His Lordship Mgr. Francis Teke Lysinge, Bishop of Mamfe. The rigorous, moral and academic training offered in Sasse then, adequately fortified and prepared him to be a successful administrator throughout his life.
            His public life started after bagging two degrees from Ibadan University , a B.A. and Dip. Ed. He returned home in 1965 and was appointed Vice Principal of his Alma Mater, Sasse College , the first Cameroonian to hold the post. Those were the years when University Graduates were rare in Cameroon , and the few around could pick and choose lucrative posts in the Government Service. Omer's humble start as Vice Principal of Sasse College, plus his meticulous handling of the post, won the confidence of the Principal, who readily recommended him for the post of Deputy Director of Secondary Education in, 1967.
And here started his meteoric rise in the Public Service of Cameroon, as:
Principal of the prestigious CCAST Bambili,
Director-Delegate of ENS Annex Bambili,
Cultural Delegate for Education in West Cameroon ,
Provincial Delegate for National Education, South West Province ,
Secretary General in the National Institute of Education in Yaounde .

All these within the space of less than ten years (1967 - 1975)!After four years of studies in Columbia University , New York , USA , he returned home with an M.A., M.Ed and a Doctorate Degree in Education. These post-graduate degrees, launched him to the higher strata of the Civil Service, as:
  • Director of Private Education in the Ministry of Higher Education,
  • Cultural Counsellor in the Cameroon Embassy in London .  
Then back at home:
  • Lecturer in ENS Yaounde
  • Charger de Etudes in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
  • Sub-Director of Equivalence and Senior Lecturer at ENS, Yaounde ,
  • Director-Delegate of ENS Annex Bambili.
  • He finally ended up as the Registrar of the Cameroon GCE Board, a Board that was born out of the sweat, tears and blood of West Cameroon Parents.
            I have mentioned this long and exhaustive profile of Dr. Yembe, to illustrate the claim I made earlier, that he has been a thorough Administrator, well groomed and seasoned from the foundries of Sasse College . So organised was he, that every book, every paper, every pin, had its special place on his table, both in his Office and at home. This I know very well, from my intimate association with Dr. Yembe, first as his Tutor in Sasse College (1958), then as a close Friend, and later as a Colleague in ENS Annex Bambili. Of all the Director-Delegates I have worked with as an unappointed Assistant, Dr. Yembe was the only one who physically handed over the keys of his Office and the Administration of ENSAB, to me, in 1990, as he went on a one-month long Mission to Europe .
Throughout his sojourn from one post to another, from one town to another, Dr. Yembe has always been a faithful Soban, committed to the great ideals of Sobanism. It is this spirit that inspired him to donate so lavishly in support of the young Bambili Parish Projects, and to offer his Chateau in Bambili to the Marist Fathers of Our Lady of Fatima Parish Bambili, when the Presbytery was still under construction.
            Besides every successful man is a great lady. We call our Wives Sobanese. It was in 1965 in Sasse College that the beautiful Miss Faustina Ojongtambia, from our ‘Sister’ College at Okoyong, became Mrs. Yembe, and from that moment she became a Sobanese. It was an epic event, the first of its kind in Sasse College , and in fulfillment of the slogan SMOG, which the Nigerian motor-owners painted on their Mami-wagons, meaning Save Me O God, but which was reshaped by Sobans to mean Sasse Marry Okoyong Girl! Since then Mrs. Yembe has been fully supportive of her husband, in fair weather and in foul, and a Mother to all his students as well as hers. She has been very active in Soban affairs, always ensuring that her husband is up-to-date in all Soban commitments.
            The most trying moments came when Dr. Yembe fell ill in Buea. She nurtured him until their return to Bambili, to finally settle down in retirement. It was a red-carpet welcome we gave the Yembe's when a THANK YOU Mass was offered on their honour, by the entire Parish, on Sunday 3rd September 2006. Since then he has been on and off, for medical reasons, but up to his last moments, he has fulfilled all his engagements as a Soban in our Chapter.
            Om, as I always called him, you are going to join the slowly increasing band of the Departed Sobans of my Chapter: Bernard Tangang, Christopher Tankwa, John Awemo, and the much larger band of Departed Sobans Nationally.
We pray that the Almighty God whom you so faithfully served, will forgive your earthly transgressions, and receive you in His Heavenly Kingdom. We pray that St. Joseph , Patron of Sasse College and Foster Father of Jesus, will lead you, In The Hollow Of His Hands, to his Foster Son.
One verse of: With St. Joseph ever near to guide us.
Eternal rest grant onto him O Lord,
And let perpetual light shine upon him!May his soul and the souls of all the Sobans departed
Through the mercy of God, rest in peace! Amen

SOBA President ,Bambili Chapter
Total Memories: 13
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